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A compter du 1er janvier 2020, Radionomy migrera vers la plateforme Shoutcast. Cette évolution s’inscrit dans la volonté du groupe de proposer à tous les producteurs de radios digitales de nouveaux outils professionnels pour mieux répondre à leur attente.

Shoutcast est depuis longtemps le leader mondial de la radio numérique. Il fournit des statistiques détaillées, et aide ses utilisateurs à développer leur audience. Plus d’un millier de partenaires relaient les stations de Shoutcast sur leurs applications et appareils connectés.

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Destiny / 20 résultats

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There can only be one DESTINYHeavy Metal since 1982! Destiny is a heavy metal/progressive metal band from Gothenburg, Sweden, founded by Stefan Björnshög. In 1982 Destiny, one of Sweden's very first real heavy metal bands first saw the light of day. Unlike the few other Swedish bands in the genre that were around back then Destiny still exists. Early influences included Black Sabbath, Savatage and Metal Church, but most of all Destiny have taken their influences one step further and added so much that the result is completely their own. The Early Days1980 The first incarnation of Destiny is formed in Gothenburg by bassist Stefan Björnshög together with guitarist John Prodén and drummer Peter Lundgren. The band only exists for a couple of months.1981 Stefan Björnshög forms Refug together with Ulf Jenevall. The band's history is short but intense. They break up as Stefan is summoned for military service.1982 Stefan meets Magnus Österman, who is then the guitarist of Midnight. They decide to fire the other members and form the band Hexagon. They are joined by Björn Centergran (drums) and Therese Hanserot (vocals). When John Prodén joins them they change their name to Destiny.1983 The first demo is recorded on a four channel studio. The resulting six track tape attracts some attention. The band makes their live debut at the R.P.M. Studio in Gårda, Gothenburg. During the fall Therese and Björn leave the band and are replaced with Håkan Ring and Peter Krigh."The Håkan Ring Era"1984 Peter Krigh is replaced by Peter Lundgren behind the drums. New demos are recorded and the band signs a record deal with Musik Bolaget. Destiny do more and more live performances, including a show at a three day party arranged by MC club Hawks. The fall sees Destiny performing for the first time at a real rock club: the Octagon. The show is a sold out success. The media slowly awaken and their is an increase of Destiny coverage in the papers. At the turn of the year Destiny start recording their first album "Beyond All Sense" in Studio Bohus.1985 The finished album "Beyond All Sense" is released in March. Destiny play legendary rock club Mudd Town in Gothenburg. Magnus Österman leaves the band and is replaced by Jörgen Pettersson, who is asked to leave a couple of months later. During the fall the band writes new material and perform some more live shows. Jörgen Pettersson is engaged as a live guitarist and is soon given another chance as a permanent member. John Prodén drops out and is replaced by Gunnar Kindberg."The Zenny Gram Era"1986 Jörgen Pettersson is asked to leave for the second time. Gunnar Kindberg leaves for Von Rosen. Jörgen Pettersson is given his third chance in Destiny. Floyd Konstantin, recently fired from King Diamond, enters Destiny as lead guitarist. New material is written, but soon Håkan Ring also leaves. Zenny Hansson joins the ranks of Destiny during the fall, and a new demo is recorded.1987 The demo is greeted by brilliant reviews from all around the world and German company US Metal sign the band. Destiny play some shows around Sweden together with Maninya Blade. Around the the turn of the year the recording of "Atomic Winter" is commenced.1988 The atmosphere in the band is increasingly strained, and soon after the album is finished Jörgen and Floyd leave Destiny. They are replaced by Gunnar Kindberg. Stefan manages to get in touch with Derek Riggs, the artist behind Iron Maiden's record covers, who agrees to paint the cover for "Atomic Winter". During the fall Zenny and Stefan travel to Germany for a two week promotion tour. It is a huge success and Destiny get a lot of coverage in magazines, TV and radio before the release of "Atomic Winter". Most magazines reward the album with top grades. In prominent British hard rock magazine Kerrang it gets a KKKK½! The band play some more live shows in Sweden.1989 New material is written and and recorded as a demo. US Metal are amazed by the new songs, and ask Destiny to record another album. During the fall the Art Recording studio is hired and…

En savoir plus sur Destiny

Résultats radios pour Destiny



Destiny RP

Destiny RP

Destiny 44

Destiny 44



Destiny Promtions Entertainment

Destiny Promtions Entertainment

Destiny Key FM

Destiny Key FM





Destiny 9911 fm

Destiny 9911 fm

destiny radio uk

destiny radio uk



DestinyFM GH

DestinyFM GH

Fusion-Destiny.de Radio

Fusion-Destiny.de Radio



Online Destiny

Online Destiny



The Destiny Galaxies Radio

The Destiny Galaxies Radio

the eye of destiny

the eye of destiny

WDYD 100.9 Discover Your Destiny

WDYD 100.9 Discover Your Destiny