As of January 1, 2020, Radionomy will migrate towards the Shoutcast platform. This evolution is part of the Group’s wish to offer all digital radio producers new professional-quality tools to better meet their needs.
Shoutcast has been a leader throughout the world in digital radio. It provides detailed statistics and helps its users to develop their audience. More than a thousand partners carry Shoutcast stations to their connected apps and devices.
Discover the Shoutcast solution.;
18 Victorita Lacatusu
Ce faci neica, ce lucrezi 1,56
17. Victorita Lacatusu
Asculta gorjanule
17 Vasile Ciobanu
Dant 2,04
16. Cristian Banateanu
Am fata si-o strang in brate
16 Vasile Ciobanu
Bate vantul de la munte 2,12
15. Silvana Riciu
Ca asa e dragostea
15 Nina Predescu
Cand is pomii infloriti 2,20