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Important Information

A compter du 1er janvier 2020, Radionomy migrera vers la plateforme Shoutcast. Cette évolution s’inscrit dans la volonté du groupe de proposer à tous les producteurs de radios digitales de nouveaux outils professionnels pour mieux répondre à leur attente.

Shoutcast est depuis longtemps le leader mondial de la radio numérique. Il fournit des statistiques détaillées, et aide ses utilisateurs à développer leur audience. Plus d’un millier de partenaires relaient les stations de Shoutcast sur leurs applications et appareils connectés.

Découvrez la solution Shoutcast.

Los Bukis

Los Bukis ("The Bukis", buki translates as Little Kid in P'urhépecha language) was a Mexican music band from Ario de Rosales, Michoacán.
It was founded by cousins Joel Solís and Marco Antonio Solís in the 1970s.
Their first song was Falso Amor ("False love") and its style became popular in Latin America.
Marco Antonio wrote the songs and the album sold one million records in one year earning the album "diamond" status.Marco Antonio Solís also wrote and produced albums for artists such as Marisela, Rocío Dúrcal, Beatriz Adriana, El Pegasso de Emilio Reyana (now using the name El Pega Pega) and María Sorté.
After years of a success with "Los Bukis", Marco decided to pursue a solo career.
Marco began performing under the name "El Buki," but after an agreement with the remaining band members, both parties agreed to not make any use of the name "Buki." Marco now performs under his own name and has released several popular albums.
The remaining members formed a new band called Los Mismos ("the same ones") as in "the same members of Los Bukis".Band MembersMarco Antonio Solís (1975-1995)Joel Solis (1975-1995)Roberto Guadarrama (1980-1995)Eusebio "El Chivo" Cortez (1978-1995)Jose "Pepe" Guadarrama (1989-1995)Pedro Sanchez (1982-1995)Jorge De Avila (1973-1982)Enrique ``Kike´´ (1973-1978)Jose Javier Solís (1982-1988)Fidel Arreygue (1995)Rodolfo Luviano (1995)Victor Aguilar (1995)


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